2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021 Walls & Ceilings Top 50 Contractors


Alta Drywall is committed to full compliance with SWPPP best practices. All employees receive ongoing jobsite training educating them on the importance of erosion control devices, the use of wash out pits, and the need for jobsite cleanliness.

In keeping with that, we currently have a designated individual who walks our projects prior to job start in order to assure that our customers have installed the needed infrastructure, wash pits, located appropriately as needed and addresses any issues at that time in order to facilitate an environment which is conducive to the necessary requirements so as to avoid the likelihood that Alta would negatively contribute to SWPPP violations.

Said individual, repeatedly walks projects routinely throughout the course of our involvement so as to prevent the possibility of SWPPP issues developing. Our management as well as Subcontractors and Material Delivery personnel are also constantly on the lookout for similar concerns. Furthermore all of our S.O.P. Job Descriptions and any related organizational info repeatedly emphasizes the ever increasing importance of full compliance with this all important aspect in today’s construction world.